Welcome! Newsletter 14.
Highlight of the month: we went skiing for a week! Less of a highlight: reading The Dawn of Everything, the century’s most overrated book (at least so far). I’ve tried to explain why in a brief review (and, yes, this would be the monthly LeftTwoThree original).
I wrote two more reviews in German: one of sport historian Andreas Praher’s Österreichs Skisport im Nationalsozialismus (for junge Welt), and one of Roman Danyluk’s Unter sticht Ober. Eine Sozialgeschichte der bayerischen Revolution 1918/19 (for anarchismus.de).
Anarchismus.de is a new project run by fabulous folks out of the Ruhr valley. As it was originally to be called anarchokommunismus.de, I wrote a text titled “Warum Anarchokommunismus” for the launch. I guess it still works (or, at least, that’s what the collective seems to think). The same folks also run a podcast titled Übertage. I was invited to chat about “klassenkämpferischen Anarchismus” on what’s already their 49th episode. Impressive!
Speaking of online projects run by fabulous folks: I wrote an article titled “Outplaying the Jocks: Punk and Sports” for DIY Conspiracy. Mittens XVX and I also compiled a list of ten punk football songs (with three bonus tracks). This was a lot of fun.
Speaking of new projects (also run by fabulous folks): check out the website of Migranti, a European-wide network in support of migrant workers’ self-organization. I’m involved via my union, the SAC. Spread the word, and, best of all, support your local migrant workers’ self-organizing efforts!
Related to migrant workers’ struggles is an interview I did for junge Welt with the SAC’s Pamela Otarola about the situation of migrant workers in Sweden and “cleaning gate“.
For the German monthly ak, I interviewed Svein Egil Haugen about the eco-socialist community founded on the far north Norwegian island of Karlsøya in the 1970s.
To continue with the Nordic theme, I portrayed Sámi artist Anders Sunna for the German daily Neues Deutschland.
To conclude the Nordic theme, I wrote about the Danish secret service scandal, this time again for junge Welt.
I also wrote two sports articles for junge Welt, one about the darts world championship, and one about the criticism of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
My Counterpunch article “Will Science and Reason Save Us? The Liberal Left’s False Wall of Defense” was translated into Bulgarian.
There was a kind review of my book Die Linke in Schweden in ak.
Your favorite tech collective, Riseup, is doing its another fundraiser. There are much worse places to channel a bit of extra cash to. Really.
Back in a month. Stay safe!