Welcome! Newsletter 11.
The monthly review is back. The summer break turned out to be long, but now we continue. First out is “Black Anarchism, No Maps”, a review of William C. Anderson’s The Nation on No Map: Black Anarchism and Abolition.
My review of a German lefty biography of Diego Maradona was published in junge Welt. My other contributions for last month’s junge Welt sports pages were articles on the great sport of hobby horsing and the opening of the Alpine skiing world cup season. I also did a feature for junge Welt on the groundbreaking Norway Supreme Court ruling against wind parks on the Fosen peninsula, which Sámi reindeer herders had objected to for a decade (article and interview with Maja Kristine Jåma).
The great folks at DIY Conspiracy have published a beautiful zine commemorating 40 years of straight edge. It comes with a compilation tape, but was only produced in a limited edition that, according to my knowledge, has already sold out. Will there be a reprint? I don’t know. Check their website (which you should be doing anyway!). I’m very proud to be included in the zine. I answered some questions in relation to the books Sober Living for the Revolution and X: Straight Edge and Radical Sobriety, and I contributed an interview I did with the one and only Jyoti Mishra. The interview with me has been uploaded online as well. The one I did with Jyoti will be uploaded soon. There shall be a link in the next newsletter.
Ready to order at Mandelbaum Verlag (or any book seller of your preference) is my German book about the left in Sweden, titled, yes indeed, Die Linke in Schweden. It is part of a series about the left in various countries/regions. Writing it was both fun and educational.
Also ready to order is the 2022 pocket calendar SyndiKal, published by Germany’s anarchosyndicalist publishing flagship Syndikat-A. It includes an interview I did with the AngryWorkers about their book Class Power on Zero-Hours, which will soon be available in German as well.
Meanwhile, Canadian punk rock band The Fallout released a song, “Robin Hood”, inspired by the book Turning Money into Rebellion. Straight-up old-school, political work, well worth checking out.
There’s also a new video up on the Rad Dox website, this time about housing struggles in Berlin. You can find several other interesting and inspiring documentary shorts on their site. I help with the German subtitles.
Speaking of videos: Thanks to everyone who participated in last month’s click experiment! We got nowhere near triple figures. It confirmed my steadfast refusal to participate in the online hunt for likes and such. A recipe for depression. This blog shall suffice as an online presence. For a Luddite, it’s already a big step.
Hope to see y’all next month (metaphorically speaking). Stay safe!