Welcome! Newsletter number 31.
No new review this month, but I have an excuse. I’ve started my job as general secretary of the SAC, and, believe it or not, it’s quite a lot of work. Some of it is chaotic, but for the most part it’s enjoyable. And all in the name of class struggle! There’s been a bit of reporting in Swedish media, so if you care, you can have a look here.
To stick with syndicalism and Sweden, Bremen’s Institut für Syndikalismusforschung published a review of mine of Per Lindblom’s book Svenska anarkister och syndikalister i spanska inbördeskriget. It’s really good! (The book that is; the review, I don’t know.) And Per’s not even an SAC member, he belongs to a rogue syndicalist union, so I’m not biased! Not sure if this will ever be available in other languages, but it would certainly deserve it.
A Swedish piece of mine was published in Arbetarhistoria, the magazine of the Workers’ Movement’s Archive and Library based in Stockholm. I can’t overemphasize how important this place has been for the work I’ve done since moving to Sweden sixteen years ago, so it’s always sweet to be featured in one of their publications. I wrote about “Industrialisering, kolonier och urfolk” in an issue dedicated to an indigenous angle on workers’ history. Important!
There’s always time for some junge Welt writing: more about the leadership struggle among Austrian social democrats; a report from visiting the grand Jyoti Mishra of White Town; new government in Finland (now equally terrible as the one in Sweden); and a piece on the Special Olympics in Berlin.
Finally, let me recommend a podcast that brought together two fine people: Philipp Gollner of the Assistant Professor of Football podcast interviewed Fredrik Rakar, the chairman of Degerfors IF, clearly the number one football club for any left-leaning fan (sorry, St. Pauli, but it’s not even a match).
Y’all have a great summer. Back next month. Stay safe!