February 2025

Welcome! Newsletter number 50.

Another 50 newsletters, and I will have written 100. You need to have goals in life.

I didn’t spend much time in Stockholm in January. We went skiing with the family (great!), and I visited Austria (also great despite the sad political situation – then again, tragically, not many places to go right now in order to escape that).

In terms of new publications, I can only point to the tiniest of efforts, but I did write a little something about the film In My Hand, which chronicles the life of veteran Sámi activist Niillas Somby. I interviewed Niillas for Liberating Sápmi and am a big fan. Currently, I’m helping prepare a 2026 English language edition by PM Press of Niillas’s autobiography Gumppe Diimmus, which is a big honor.

The interview about contemporary syndicalism I did together with Torsten Bewernitz for Direkte Aktion in German is now also available in Spanish.

Other than that, I have to resort to rather indirect involvement, but it’s worth mentioning that the pamphlet Prison Round Trip by Klaus Viehmann, which I translated from German, has been translated into Chinese, which widens its potential readership exponentially. Well deserved.

Speaking of indirect: renowned Swedish author Anna Sanvaresa (Jörgensdotter) is toying with the idea of writing a novel about the German Revolution, using All Power to the Councils! as one of her sources. So, let it not be said that dry historical documents can’t inspire juicy narratives!

Those eager to start the new year with a donation might consider the fundraiser for the documentary film Autonomous Local Network Story, which portrays the activities of brave Philippine grassroots activists. Recommended in this context, the book Pangayaw and Decolonizing Resistance: Anarchism in the Philippines.

More next month. Stay safe!