Interviews – Bibliography

The following list was last updated on February 27, 2025. I have added links to interviews available online or as a PDF or JPG. If there is any other you are interested in, send me a mail!


  • “Interview mit Gabriel Kuhn”, Project X, Nr. 2, 2009, S. 36-39.
  • “Interview mit Gabriel Kuhn: Über anarchistische Literatur, Zukunftsperspektiven und Fanzines”, Carrots and Rotten Cars, Nr. 2, n.d./ca. 2009, n.p.
  • Life Under the Jolly Roger: Reflections on Golden Age Piracy – Interview with Gabriel Kuhn”, darkmatter: in the ruins of imperial culture, December 20, 2009.



  • ‘Människor saknar gemenskap i sina vardagsliv’. Gabriel Kuhn om högerpopulismens och rasismens utbredning i Europa”, Arbetaren Zenit, nr. 3/2011 (20-26 januari), s. 8-9.
  • “Gabriel Kuhn’s book ‘Sober Living for the Revolution'”, Maximumrocknroll, March 2011 (#334), n.p.
  • “In Egypt and Tunis, the Games Must Go On”, New York Times Blog, April 10, 2011.
  • “Kicker conspiracy: how football fell foul of the state”, Freedom, April 23, 2011 (no. 7208), pp. 8-9 (reprinted in Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, July 2011, pp. 43-44; also in Indonesian).
  • “Vi ska vara förberedda när historien är på vår sida”, Yelah, 1 maj 2011.
  • “‘Lifestyle ist etwas sehr Politisches'”, Tier im Fokus, 14. Mai 2011.
  • “Bokmässa med anarkismen i centrum”, Flamman, 16 juni 2011, s. 6.
  • “Anarkister dukar upp litterärt smörgåsbord”, ETC Stockholm, 17 juni 2011, s. 15.
  • “Soccer versus the state”, Workers Solidarity Movement Website, August 5, 2011 (mirrored on Come here to me!, May 9, 2011).
  • Onorevoli calciatori: Lo studioso Gabriel Kuhn sul rapporto tra impegno e calcio”, Lettera 43, August 31, 2011.
  • “Intervju med Gabriel Kuhn”, Nettverk for dyrs frihet, 2011.
  • “Den tyske revolusjonen”, Socialistisk framtid, nr. 3/2011, s. 32-34.
  • “Gabriel Kuhn” (straight edge), Words Upon Words, ca. 2011, n.p.
  • “‘Fotboll kan popularisera vänsterfrågor'”, Organisera!, oktober 2011 (nr. 3), s. 16.
  • “Interview with Gabriel Kuhn” (straight edge), Una Mescla, Winter 2011, n.p.
  • “Bra förutsättningar på ARAB”, Arbark, 21 december 2011.






  • “Get——–” (on Playing as If the World Mattered), Rabble, no. 11, February 10, 2016, p. 24.




  • Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation. Gabriel Kuhn über die anarcho-syndikalistische Gewerkschaft in Schweden”, Syfo – Forschung & Bewegung. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Syndikalismusforschung, Nr. 10, 2020, S. 14-20.